* Categories widget JSX component.
* @module view/widget/categories
const { Component } = require('inferno');
const { cacheComponent } = require('../../util/cache');
* Categories widget JSX component.
* @example
* <Categories
* title="Widget title"
* showCount={true}
* categories={[
* {
* url: '/path/to/category/page',
* name: 'Category name',
* count: 1,
* isCurrent: false,
* children: [{
* url: '/path/to/category/page',
* name: 'Subcategory name',
* count: 1,
* }]
* }
* ]} />
class Categories extends Component {
renderList(categories, showCount) {
return categories.map((category) => (
<a class={'level is-mobile' + (category.isCurrent ? ' is-active' : '')} href={category.url}>
<span class="level-start">
<span class="level-item">{category.name}</span>
{showCount ? (
<span class="level-end">
<span class="level-item tag">{category.count}</span>
) : null}
{category.children.length ? <ul>{this.renderList(category.children, showCount)}</ul> : null}
render() {
const { title, showCount, categories } = this.props;
return (
<div class="card widget" data-type="categories">
<div class="card-content">
<div class="menu">
<h3 class="menu-label">{title}</h3>
<ul class="menu-list">{this.renderList(categories, showCount)}</ul>
* Cacheable categories widget JSX component.
* <p>
* This class is supposed to be used in combination with the <code>locals</code> hexo filter
* ({@link module:hexo/filter/locals}).
* @see module:util/cache.cacheComponent
* @see https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/blob/4.2.0/lib/plugins/helper/list_categories.js
* @example
* <Categories.Cacheable
* site={{ categories: {...} }}
* page={{
* base: '/path/base/url',
* _id: '******'
* }}
* helper={{
* url_for: function() {...},
* _p: function() {...}
* }}
* categories={{...}}
* orderBy="name"
* order={1}
* showCurrent={false}
* showCount={true}
* depth={3} />
Categories.Cacheable = cacheComponent(Categories, 'widget.categories', (props) => {
const { page, helper, widget = {} } = props;
const {
categories = props.site.categories,
orderBy = 'name',
order = 1,
showCurrent = false,
showCount = true,
} = widget;
const { url_for, _p } = helper;
if (!categories || !categories.length) {
return null;
let depth = 0;
try {
depth = parseInt(props.depth, 10);
} catch (e) {}
function prepareQuery(parent) {
const query = {};
if (parent) {
query.parent = parent;
} else {
query.parent = { $exists: false };
return categories
.sort(orderBy, order)
.filter((cat) => cat.length);
function hierarchicalList(level, parent) {
return prepareQuery(parent).map((cat, i) => {
let children = [];
if (!depth || level + 1 < depth) {
children = hierarchicalList(level + 1, cat._id);
let isCurrent = false;
if (showCurrent && page) {
for (let j = 0; j < cat.length; j++) {
const post = cat.posts.data[j];
if (post && post._id === page._id) {
isCurrent = true;
// special case: category page
isCurrent = isCurrent || (page.base && page.base.startsWith(cat.path));
return {
name: cat.name,
count: cat.length,
url: url_for(cat.path),
return {
categories: hierarchicalList(0),
title: _p('common.category', Infinity),
module.exports = Categories;