
 * View cache utility functions.
 * @module util/cache
const crypto = require('crypto');
const { Component } = require('inferno'); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
const { createElement } = require('inferno-create-element');

const cache = {};

function computeHash(props) {
  return crypto.createHash('md5').update(JSON.stringify(props)).digest('hex');

module.exports = {
   * Create cached component from a given component class.
   * The cache ID is caculated from the input props.
   * @param {Component}   type        JSX component class
   * @param {string}      prefix      Cache ID prefix
   * @param {Function}    transform   Transform the input props to target props and
   *                                  its result is used to compute cache ID
   * @returns The new cachable functional component, which uses the <code>transform</code> function and the
   *          component props to calculate the cache ID.
   * <br>
   *          The cache ID will be used to determine whether the same element with the exact same
   *          props has been created and cached. If so, the cached element will be returned.
   *          If the cache ID can be computed, a new element will be created use the
   *          <code>createElement</code> function of the inferno.js, then it will be cached and returned.
   *          If the <code>transform</code>ed props is empty (<code>!transform(props)</code>), the cachable
   *          functional component will also return null element when <code>createElement</code> is called
   *          on it.
  cacheComponent(type, prefix, transform) {
    return (props) => {
      const targetProps = transform(props);
      if (targetProps === null || typeof targetProps !== 'object') {
        return null;
      const cacheId = prefix + '-' + computeHash(targetProps);
      if (!cache[cacheId]) {
        cache[cacheId] = createElement(type, targetProps);
      return cache[cacheId];