
 * Configuration and validation.
 * @module core/schema
const Ajv = require('ajv');
const path = require('path');
const yaml = require('../util/yaml');

 * A magic string for reformating comment lines in the YAML output.
const MAGIC = 'c823d4d4';

 * Default value for the primitive types.
 * @access private
  null: null,
  boolean: false,
  number: 0,
  integer: 0,
  string: '',
  array: [],
  object: {},

const typeOf = (value) => {
  if (value === undefined) {
    return 'undefined';
  return Object.prototype.toString
    .replace(/^\[object\s+([a-z]+)\]$/i, '$1')

const hasOwnProperty = (obj, prop) => {
  return obj === null || typeOf(obj) === 'undefined'
    ? false
    :, prop);

function traverseObj(obj, targetKey, handler) {
  if (typeOf(obj) === 'array') {
    for (const child of obj) {
      traverseObj(child, targetKey, handler);
  } else if (typeOf(obj) === 'object') {
    for (const key in obj) {
      if (key === targetKey) {
      } else {
        traverseObj(obj[key], targetKey, handler);

 * The default value wrapper class.
class DefaultValue {
   * @param {any} value The wrapped default value.
   * @param {string} description A description of the contained value. Used to produce
   * the comment string.
  constructor(value, description) {
    this.value = value;
    this.description = description;

   * Duplicate the current default value.
   * <p>
   * Wrapped value will be shallow copied.
   * @returns {module:core/schema~DefaultValue} A new instance of the current default value.
  clone() {
    const result = new DefaultValue(this.value, this.description);
    if (result.value instanceof DefaultValue) {
      result.value = result.value.clone();
    } else if (typeOf(result.value) === 'array') {
      result.value = [].concat(result.value);
    } else if (typeOf(result.value) === 'object') {
      result.value = Object.assign({}, result.value);
    return result;

   * Unwrap current {module:core/schema~DefaultValue} if its wrapped value is also a
   * {module:core/schema~DefaultValue}.
   * <p>
   * The description will also be replaced with wrapped value description, if exists.
  flatten() {
    if (this.value instanceof DefaultValue) {
      if (hasOwnProperty(this.value, 'description') && this.value.description) {
        this.description = this.value.description;
      this.value = this.value.value;

   * Merge current default value with another default value.
   * @param {module:core/schema~DefaultValue} source The input object to be merged with. Should have the
   * same wrapped value type as current wrapped default value.
  merge(source) {
    if (hasOwnProperty(source, 'value') && source.value !== null) {
      if (source.value instanceof DefaultValue) {
        source = source.clone();
      if (typeOf(source.value) === typeOf(this.value)) {
        if (typeOf(this.value) === 'array') {
          this.value = this.value.concat(source.value);
        } else if (typeOf(this.value) === 'object') {
          Object.keys(source.value).forEach((key) => {
            this.value[key] = source.value[key];
        } else {
          this.value = source.value;
      } else if (typeOf(this.value) === 'undefined' || typeOf(this.value) === 'null') {
        this.value = source.value;
    if (hasOwnProperty(source, 'description') && source.description) {
      this.description = source.description;

   * Create a new array with comments inserted as new elements right before each child element.
   * <p>
   * If current wrapped value is an array and some of its elements are instances of
   * {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue}, the element's description will be inserted as a new child
   * right before the element.
   * The element itself will also be converted into its commented version using the <code>toCommented</code>
   * method.
   * @returns {Array} A new array with comments and the original elements in the commented form.
  toCommentedArray() {
    return [].concat( => {
        if (item instanceof DefaultValue) {
          if (typeOf(item.description) !== 'string' || !item.description.trim()) {
            return [item.toCommented()];
          return item.description
            .map((line, i) => {
              return MAGIC + i + ': ' + line;
        } else if (typeOf(item) === 'array' || typeOf(item) === 'object') {
          return new DefaultValue(item).toCommented();
        return [item];

   * Create a new object with comments inserted as new properties right before every original properties.
   * <p>
   * Works similar to {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue#toCommentedArray}.
   * @returns {Object} A new object with comments and the original property values in the commented form.
  toCommentedObject() {
    if (this.value instanceof DefaultValue) {
      return this.value.toCommented();
    const result = {};
    for (const key in this.value) {
      const item = this.value[key];
      if (item instanceof DefaultValue) {
        if (typeOf(item.description) === 'string' && item.description.trim()) {
          item.description.split('\n').forEach((line, i) => {
            result[MAGIC + key + i] = line;
        result[key] = item.toCommented();
      } else if (typeOf(item) === 'array' || typeOf(item) === 'object') {
        result[key] = new DefaultValue(item).toCommented();
      } else {
        result[key] = item;
    return result;

   * Call {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue#toCommentedArray} or
   * {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue#toCommentedObject} based on the type of the wrapped value.
   * <p>
   * If neither applies, directly return the wrapped value.
   * @returns {any} The commented object/array, or the original wrapped value.
  toCommented() {
    if (typeOf(this.value) === 'array') {
      return this.toCommentedArray();
    } else if (typeOf(this.value) === 'object') {
      return this.toCommentedObject();
    return this.value;

   * Create the YAML string with all the comments from current default value.
   * @returns {string} The formatted YAML string.
  toYaml() {
    const regex = new RegExp("^(\\s*)(?:-\\s*\\')?" + MAGIC + ".*?:\\s*\\'?(.*?)\\'*$", 'mg');
    return yaml.stringify(this.toCommented()).replace(regex, '$1# $2'); // restore comments

/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
 * A class that can resolving referenced JSON schemas and create {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue}s.
class Schema {
   * @param {module:core/schema~SchemaLoader} loader JSON schema loader.
   * @param {Object} def The JSON schema definition.
  constructor(loader, def) {
    if (!(loader instanceof SchemaLoader)) {
      throw new Error('loader must be an instance of SchemaLoader');
    if (typeOf(def) !== 'object') {
      throw new Error('schema definition must be an object');
    this.loader = loader;
    this.def = def;
    this.compiledSchema = null;

   * Validate an object against the JSON schema.
   * @param {any} obj Object to be validated.
   * @returns {boolean|Object} True if Object is valid, or validation errors.
  validate(obj) {
    if (!this.compiledSchema) {
      this.compiledSchema = this.loader.compileValidator(this.def.$id);
    return this.compiledSchema(obj) ? true : this.compiledSchema.errors;

   * Create the {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} for an array-typed JSON schema.
   * <p>
   * Each possible type of the array elements defined in <code>oneOf</code> will be processed and a
   * {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} will be added to the result array.
   * @param {Object} def JSON schema definition of the array.
   * @returns {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} The {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} for the
   * array definition.
  getArrayDefaultValue(def) {
    const defaultValue = new DefaultValue(null, def.description);
    // all array elements have the same type, return the default value for that type
    if (typeOf(def.items) === 'object') {
      const items = Object.assign({}, def.items);
      delete items.oneOf;
      let value = this.getDefaultValue(items);
      // additionally, if each array element can be in one of the provided types in <code>oneOf</code>
      if (typeOf(def.items.oneOf) === 'array') {
        // for each <code>oneOf</code> element, return a {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue}
        defaultValue.value = => {
          // if the <code>items</code> definition also exists, merge it with the <code>oneOf</code>
          // {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue}
          const clone = value.clone();
          return clone;
      } else {
        if (typeOf(value) !== 'array') {
          value = [value];
        defaultValue.value = value;
    return defaultValue;

   * Create the {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} for an object-typed JSON schema.
   * <p>
   * The first possible type of the object element defined in <code>oneOf</code> will be processed and its
   * {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} will be merged with the {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue}
   * created from the <code>properties</code> definition.
   * @param {Object} def JSON schema definition of the object.
   * @returns {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} The {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} for the
   * object definition.
  getObjectDefaultValue(def) {
    const value = {};
    if (typeOf( === 'object') {
      for (const property in {
        value[property] = this.getDefaultValue([property]);
    const defaultValue = new DefaultValue(value, def.description);
    // only the first one of the possible types will be merged with {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue}
    // for the <code>properties</code> definition.
    if (typeOf(def.oneOf) === 'array' && def.oneOf.length) {
      defaultValue.description = def.description;
    return defaultValue;

   * Create the {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} for any typed JSON schema that is not purely defined
   * by its <code>$ref</code>.
   * <p>
   * If the definition also contains a <code>$ref</code>, the {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} for the
   * <code>$ref</code> definition will be merged to the {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} of the current
   * definition.
   * <p>
   * If <code>type</code> of the JSON schema is of primitive types, and the <code>nullable</code> is set to
   * <code>false</code> in the schema definition, primitive default values will be set insided the result
   * {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue}.
   * @param {Object} def JSON schema definition.
   * @returns {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} The {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} for the
   * definition.
   * @throws {Error} If <code>type</code> is undefined or it is 'array', 'object', or primitive types.
  getTypedDefaultValue(def) {
    let defaultValue;
    const type = typeOf(def.type) === 'array' ? def.type[0] : def.type;
    if (type === 'array') {
      defaultValue = this.getArrayDefaultValue(def);
    } else if (type === 'object') {
      defaultValue = this.getObjectDefaultValue(def);
    } else if (hasOwnProperty(PRIMITIVE_DEFAULTS, type)) {
      if (hasOwnProperty(def, 'nullable') && def.nullable) {
        defaultValue = new DefaultValue(null, def.description);
      } else {
        defaultValue = new DefaultValue(PRIMITIVE_DEFAULTS[type], def.description);
    } else {
      throw new Error(`Cannot get default value for type ${type}`);
    // referred default value always get overwritten by its parent default value
    if (hasOwnProperty(def, '$ref') && def.$ref) {
      const refDefaultValue = this.getReferredDefaultValue(def);
      defaultValue = refDefaultValue;
    return defaultValue;

   * Create the {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} for any JSON schema that is purely defined by its
   * <code>$ref</code>.
   * @param {Object} def JSON schema definition.
   * @returns {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} The {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} for the
   * definition.
  getReferredDefaultValue(def) {
    const schema = this.loader.getSchema(def.$ref);
    if (!schema) {
      throw new Error(`Schema ${def.$ref} is not loaded`);
    const defaultValue = this.getDefaultValue(schema.def);
    defaultValue.merge({ description: def.description });
    return defaultValue;

   * Create the {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} for any JSON schema.
   * @param {Object} def JSON schema definition.
   * @returns {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} The {@link module:core/schema~DefaultValue} for the
   * definition.
  getDefaultValue(def = null) {
    if (!def) {
      def = this.def;
    if (hasOwnProperty(def, 'const')) {
      return new DefaultValue(def.const, def.description);
    if (hasOwnProperty(def, 'default')) {
      return new DefaultValue(def.default, def.description);
    if (
      hasOwnProperty(def, 'examples') &&
      typeOf(def.examples) === 'array' &&
    ) {
      return new DefaultValue(def.examples[0], def.description);
    if (hasOwnProperty(def, 'type') && def.type) {
      return this.getTypedDefaultValue(def);
    // $ref only schemas
    if (hasOwnProperty(def, '$ref') && def.$ref) {
      return this.getReferredDefaultValue(def);
    throw new Error(
      'The following schema definition must have at least one of the ' +
        '["const", "default", "examples", "type", "$ref"] fields:\n' +
        JSON.stringify(def, null, 2),

 * Class for loading JSON schema files from filesystems and creating validator.
class SchemaLoader {
  constructor() {
    this.schemas = {};
    this.ajv = new Ajv({ allowUnionTypes: true });

   * Get JSON schema definition by its <code>$id</code>.
   * @param {string} $id JSON schema <code>$id</code>.
   * @returns {Object} JSON schema definition.
  getSchema($id) {
    return this.schemas[$id];

   * Add a JSON schema definition to the collection.
   * @param {Object} JSON schema definition.
   * @throws {Error} If JSON schema definition does not have an <code>$id</code>.
  addSchema(def) {
    if (!hasOwnProperty(def, '$id')) {
      throw new Error('The schema definition does not have an $id field');
    this.schemas[def.$id] = new Schema(this, def);

   * Remove a JSON schema definition to the collection.
   * @param {string} $id JSON schema <code>$id</code>.
  removeSchema($id) {
    delete this.schemas[$id];

   * Create a JSON schema validation function for a given schema identified by its <code>$id</code>.
   * @param {*} $id $id JSON schema <code>$id</code>.
   * @returns {Function} JSON schema validation function.
  compileValidator($id) {
    return this.ajv.compile(this.getSchema($id).def);

 * Create a {@link module:core/schema~SchemaLoader} and load all referred JSON schema from the resolve
 * directories.
 * @param {Object} rootSchemaDef The root JSON schema definition.
 * @param {Array} resolveDirs Additional directories for resolving referred JSON schemas besides the
 * <code>lib/schema</code> folder in this library. Directory order matters.
 * @returns {@link module:core/schema~SchemaLoader} The schema loader with all referred schemas loaded.
 * @throws {Error} Referred schema not found in any of the resolve directories.
SchemaLoader.load = (rootSchemaDef, resolveDirs = []) => {
  if (typeOf(resolveDirs) !== 'array') {
    resolveDirs = [resolveDirs];
  resolveDirs.push(path.join(__dirname, '../schema/'));

  const loader = new SchemaLoader();

  function handler($ref) {
    if (loader.getSchema($ref)) {
    for (const dir of resolveDirs) {
      let def;
      try {
        def = require(path.join(dir, $ref));
      } catch (e) {
      if (typeOf(def) !== 'object' || def.$id !== $ref) {
      traverseObj(def, '$ref', handler);
    throw new Error(
      'Cannot find schema definition ' +
        $ref +
        '.\n' +
        'Please check if the file exists and its $id is correct',

  traverseObj(rootSchemaDef, '$ref', handler);
  return loader;

module.exports = {